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China was one of the first to mint and use coins. The coins have a long of . As a , coins have as for and have of years of , of years. The wind and rain are , and its rich and makes the coins have a great value. They have of the times and roles in .


coins have a high value and relic value. , the is and has high value. It is made of metal or alloy. It is made, the is , the text is , the is rich, its is , and it also has value and .

轩宇艺术有幸征得一组精品古钱币,分别是一枚户部造大清铜币和一枚江南省造光绪元宝错版币,分别重:7.1g 直径:2.82cm;重:7.2g 直径:2.84cm,品相具佳。

Xuan Yu Art was to have a group of fine coins, which were a large coin and a wrong of , which was 7.1g : 2.82cm; : 7.2g : 2.84cm, the is good.

左边一枚为户部造大清铜币当制钱十文,这款大清铜币钱面中央有“大清铜币”四个汉字,上端是满文“大清铜币”字样,两侧乙已表示铸造年份是乙已年。边缘中间分别“户部”二汉字,下端为“当制钱十文”。钱背中央为蟠龙,上端是“光绪年造”,下端英文“Tai Ching Ti Kuo Coin”字样(大清帝国铜币)。整枚钱币包浆浑厚、入骨,表面有自然的流通痕迹、光滑圆润,神龙纹路依旧,如刀刻所成,铸造工艺神乎其技,且龙身纹路精美,并有云海衬托大清铜币二十文丁未光绪年造值多少钱,威风凛凛。

On the left, a large coin is made for the . When the money is made, there are four in the of the big clear coin. The upper end is the full text "big clear coin", and the two sides have The year is B. In the of the , there are two in the “ ”, and the lower end is “When the money is ”. The of Qian Qian is , the upper end is " Year", and the lower end is "Tai Ching Ti Kuo Coin" (Da Qing Coin). The whole coin is thick and bone-, with on the , and round, and the 's is still the same. If the knife is , the is very , and the 's body is lined, and there are and seas set off.


In years, “the Qing Coin have made money for ten ”, which once the of the . The media has been and of . It is that the value of the "big Qing coins when money" is high, but the "big Qing coin to make money ten " is rare in the world, and the is goods. , the price of “big Qing coins when money” has been all the way, in the of goods more and more , and the value of is high.


On the right, one of the 's is worth ten yuan each。 The is as good as new, the gears are , the of the coins is less worn, the is , the rust is , and it has a high value。 The coin is in the bead and reads the word " "。 The is with the name of the money that casts the coin。 The upper part of the bead ring is cast in the upper part of the " ", and the left and right sides of the "Eight "; the bead ring under the ring "every when money。

" On the back of the coin, the bead ring is in , the bead has a in it, the are round and deep, the lines are and , the scale pearl grain is empty and non-, the are clear, and the view is 。 , clap your hands。 The whole is , the shape is , the stamp is , the board is , the teeth are , the is deep, the style is , the craft is , the art value is very high, and it has a high 。


The thing about this coin is that the back is 45° to the left, but it is an wrong . the coins have the of the years, they still . The of the on the back of the is clear, such as the of the knife, the is , and the of the body is , and there is a cloud of water. It seems to be a in the sky, , and ! The 's is one of the most coins in coins. It is a style, and the is rich . It is a rare and rare . For of years, the has all of our and into a and of . The has a of China, a of the , and a of our .


" " is one of the top ten in China's . Its is , its is , and its is rare. It is a well-known coin in the coin . It is known as a fine coin. and value. In China, like this kind of back coin the is a of the . The a of China, a of the , and a of . , the on the back of , can a 's air , and can avoid the evil under the of the .


it is or Coin, it has been due to , and the of war has many of them. , they are all of the times. The , and of their eras all have a of their coins, which is of great value. This coin has a , good , , and clear grain . Even after the , the coins are still well , very rare, and the value is .


art life and value! If you are in a large coin in this group and the wrong of the in , () Art Media Co., Ltd.!


is a , is a , to share, happy !








