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大清金币 光绪丙午年造 库平一两

规格:直径:3.98cm 重:27g



Our has a long of using gold coins. As early as the 2,200 years ago, the State of Chu the gold of money such as "Yun Zao". In years, gold coins of Han and Tang , such as Wubao and , have been . The above- money and some gold coins in the later are of few kinds. Most of them are not in , but are made to be money for gifts, so the of is very .


In the late Qing , some in the Qing the of gold coins in China as early as the of . For , Chen Chi put in " Gold Pound " that "it is not to make money, the of money, but to it." 30 years (1904) In order to raise funds to mint gold coins, the of put to the court, and the Mint tried to mint gold coins in -two years (1906).


Bin made one or two coins of Qing gold coin bank in noon. In 1906, Mint of -two years () tried to cast pure gold. The Dayun plate has and . The coin was with the and the year " ". The next year, the coin was in 1907. It was the first gold coin made in the name of the in China and the only one in the Qing .


The gold coins of the year of were on both sides of the coin. The front is cast with two lines of outer , and the inner ring has a bead . The top edge is cast in the right block, "six in the year of ," and the right side reads "Ku Ping one or two". the bead read the words "big Qing gold coin" . On the back, there is a front five- pan-. The the . There are two , thin lines on the and a bead on the . The shape of the gold coins in the Qing is close to the new coins, but the inion on the back still shows that they are not from the " " .


The gold coin in the Qing is " ocean" the on the back is a . of its small and metal coins, it is more and more rare, the price high, and it still has the to . It is a good hard for to find.


Due to the of by the court and the of , the Qing court was about the of "the two " and "the gold " and "the ". With the of , 31 years ago has been equal to the Boxer , and then to climb, China's Boxer still has a "pound ". The force of the Qing 's was much worse than . With the of Zhang , the of the Qing , and so on, the Qing lost its in the gold .


At that time, China's gold was very low, and the was not to the of gold coins。 The Qing gold coin came to an end any 。 the for of this gold coin were not , Li Boqi's in the " Gold Coin " in 4, issue 6, of the style of study in 1934 was of 。 Value: "Qing gold coins, , , cast, is a , than the , with red gold, back , face" Qing gold coins "four , " "or" "two words。

"。。。 When Yuan up, he cast of into Ci Xi's 。 In fact, the his any basis in the " rules"。 Among those who live in the world, they are sold in the Tower, or in the of 。 The of is , but the world is fresh。


The of gold coins in the Qing can be seen from the of Qi Su in . In May 1943, the 18th issue of that Zhang Zhibo had three coins in Jilin 1920. When he saw it, Ross to them for gold coins in the Qing and Qing . In the 1940s, the price of gold coins was still the same. In the past, every gold coin was not easy to get; in , Dai one or two gold coins at noon in the 20th issue of Coin in 1943. "At that time, the gold was , and the was not much, so it into the hands of the and was into . It was also that the price of was very cheap in the early years of the , and it with the price of gold. It has risen tens of times.


" in the of the year to build gold coins." Like this kind of coin, has been the dream of large , Liu once said, for this of value, is fate, . In China, like the gold coin, the is the of the . In folk , the on the back of the gold coin in 's year can one's luck and the 's Qi at all times. The gold coin has been loved by .


" in the year of the Qing made a large gold coin Ping one or two", the gold coin 3.98 . The coin is cast on both sides of the coin, and the inner ring has a bead . The top edge is cast in the right block, "six in the year of ," and the right side reads " one or two". the bead , read the "big Qing gold coin" . On the back of the coin, there is a with five claws. The of the whole coin is and noble, and , , and . It is a fine gold coin with high value and .返回搜狐,查看更多
